Which One Is Better As a career? Still Photography or Videography

BOOKS Uncategorized Which One Is Better As a career? Still Photography or Videography

This is not an easy topic to address simply because, nowadays it does not pay off to be a still photographer only, with few exceptions. What that means is to make the profession lucrative there is a need to excel in both fields, in spite of what one likes.  Taking about lucrativeness, both could have the potential to generate good income, yet it might be better off if one does not miss out from what each offers.

Both have learning curves and it is possible to start with any one of them.  What makes the difference after a little while is what kind of equipment is in use.  It might be easier to start as a photographer because there are professional DSLR cameras made primarily to take still photos that are reasonably priced and lately they are bundled with video capability.  That itself indicates that it does not have much payoff to embrace one of them only.  It is possible to buy professional DSLRs and become a successful videographer and add more equipment as the business starts generating more income.  This shows that it is expensive, as well as counterintuitive to start as a videographer only, yet it seems from all the indications videography has got the edge, and it could be more lucrative than still photography provided that the right equipment is there.  The perception is the mainstay of still photography print is presumed to be dead and it might not make it back any time soon, the main reason why still photography had been faltering. 

However, some sources have indicated that there are certain avenues where still photographers can command higher pay for similar undertakings.  In some cases, video comes as a supplement and customers are more interested in still photography.  Nonetheless, it will be a grave mistake to rely on one of them only as a career, simply not to miss out in what the other could be offering.  In fact, still photography is said to lose ground because when looking at the genres, videography has more, hence if one wants to specialize in one of them only, video might be better.  The other good news is it has become possible to peruse a videography career by simply using a professional DSLR camera and make the first priority upgrading to better equipment and gears.

While advertising, in order to have a footing in both genres, it is possible to state that the advertiser has both capabilities, or even better to have two advertisements and promotion campaigns; one for still photography and another one for video. The reason for that is while people conduct search, they use terms such as photographers and videographers for the most part.  It seems that if the search is for photographers, those who advertise for photography opportunity will get the priority and vice versa. In addition, in people’s perception, these two groups are different entities that do not necessarily cross over into each other’s camps.  If they do, the evaluation of people might be that they might not be experts in one of the fields, just Jack of both fields.


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