What Could Be Photography’s Allure?

BOOKS Uncategorized What Could Be Photography’s Allure?

The whole idea is in spite of age, educational level, special training, and what one is doing currently or when one decided to look into photography as an alternative career, anyone can become a professional photographer. That is why it is an intriguing profession because it could also be rewarding financially. It can also challenge those who have artistic inclination and give them a challenging outlet if they were looking for a field or a medium they want to put their talent to work, demonstrate it, or exploit it toward a certain end.

Probably, that might be what makes photography attractive because it does not require proper training and certification. It is only the final products, the photos, or videos that should speak for themselves and clients have to be satisfied and happy with them.

Consequently, what might be needed is to set aside around $10,000 over time to buy flashy new gear to become a highly demanded professional photographer. If that is not feasible, $5000+ can go a long way because buying mint used gear on sites such as Amazon and eBay is possible that can do the job as good as a new gear. The third group is those who had to try photography with entry-level gear that should definitely be better than point-and-shoot or cell phones. Those in this group, their chance of being employed by established companies that require professional gear only is almost nonexistent since the first thing they want to know is a list of equipment.

However, cameras such as Canon 80 D or 7 D II are considered to be semi-pro cameras and it might be possible to get lucky with some employers who might give them a chance. Some events such as a wedding can readily be recorded with such cameras and the photographers can start earning money. Both cameras are also good for school sports events and the like showing that it is not going to be surprising if such photographers generate income. From there on their drive will be to acquire the required professional gear to increase their employability.

This clearly demonstrates that it is when the professional gear is lined-up someone can consider himself or herself to be competitively ready in the job market, either as a freelancer or employed professional. It is possible to take a glimpse of what a professional gear is. Looking at Canon’s gear 5D Mark IV full-frame camera is the latest version of professional camera in that category and the other one is the costly 1 DX Mark II.

What this demonstrates is one of the two cameras is a must-have with small room to maneuver, where earlier versions of these cameras might be palatable for some. This applies to everyone because it is those who have the latest gear who will grab the opportunities with few exceptions. Almost all employers require a backup camera of the same kind or an earlier version. 

The number two and three camera manufacturers Nikon and Sony also have their version of capable professional cameras. Nikon’s D 800 series the latest D850 and the most expensive one D5 and Sony’s A9 II and A7R III both mirrorless and full-frame cameras with 4K video capability are worth looking into. They, nonetheless, are with their caveat that is falling a notch behind Canon in the image quality department. Canon seems to be better in image quality even if no digital camera has yet surpassed film’s image quality according to some, while there are some naysayers.

When it comes to lens the requirements are merciless too and they have to be the costly expensive lenses. Again, if we look at Canon, what is desirable is to have a 24-70 2.8 IS USM L lens coupled with the 70-200 2.8 IS USM L lens. In between, there are 50 mm 1.2 L lens and 85 mm 1.2 L lens that are popular for low-light work. At least 300 mm or 400 mm L lens is required for sports photography. This applies to almost all camera brands.

 Since these lenses are prime lenses, their image quality is exceptionally good. Anyone equipped with such gear and located in most big cities can make a good living. The learning process will fall in place by simply following the instructions on the owner manual and many online sources. Eventually, as long as the photographers are really dedicated they can start taking stunning photos, as on the job training also helps.

Of course, there are other essential equipment such as flash, tripod, monopod, and a few others that have to be at a professional level. After that, the novice photographers are on their own and either they will choose to market their service or hunt for employers. They can also fill their spare time by going around and taking photos. If such photos are at a pro-level they can find buyers at some of stock photos sites that have many competitors that are availing free photos that are, more less, at the same level.

This shows that photography can offer an escape to those who are doing what they are doing to pay bills, as long as they know how to grow, and mature their new venture. They can jump on board full-time when the right moment is there and when they are sure that they have a reliable employer or the business they have started had started attracting enough number of customers. Nothing beats photography in that respect because at least it does not require going back to school to acquire a new skill.


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